Rabu, 14 Maret 2012


Not so much that I know before but after I followed the course I started to understand the investment analysis and understand the capital markets.
With such a short time i started to understand that the knowledge i can in the course of just peeled and many of the things that i do not know . I understand that from this science is not only in may from university professor , but so much knowledge that i haven 't know .

Senin, 12 Maret 2012


           6. The new student in the class very talkative and friendly.
The sentence is WRONG, because the sentence is missing verb.
The correct answer : The new student in the class is very talkative and friendly.
note : red is preposional, purple is subject. blue is verb

           5. Pleasantly greet everyone in all the offices every morning.
The sentence is WRONG, because the sentence is missing subject.
The correct answer : She pleasantly greets everyone in all the offices every morning.
note : red is preposional, purple is subject. blue is verb

5. Between 1725 and 1750, New England witnessed an increase in the specialization of. . . . . .
a. occupations
The wrong answer because plural verb                                     
b. they occupied
The worng answer because double subject                                           
c. occupies
The correct answer because suitable for the past sentence
d. it occupied them
The worng answer because double subject